Aminet 40
Aminet 40 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2000].iso
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Assembly Source File
435 lines
; FILE: Source:modules/romfixes.ASM REV: 6 --- misc rom bugfixes
; History
; 0 Started 10th Dec 1999: got idea from Fixes dir in MMULib.lha
; 1 12th Dec: console device fix accidently bsr'ed two bytes off
; -> strange console update problems & cyberguard hits, fixed
; 2 Added shell Resident patch. froze 1.19.
; 3 Fixed ramlib stack patch for V37 rom
; 4 Added ramlib msgport sigbit patch
; 5 3rd Jan 2000: Disabled resident patch, it's bugged!
; 6 7th Jan 2000: Bugfixed resident patch. No longer freezes if
; user says `resident c:program' without `ADD' switch.
; froze 1.20.
; romfixes patch for BlizKick ("patch" Module)
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
; This patch fixes some bugs in current rom versions (including V40!)
; - console.device window resize bug (ever wondered why KingCON shell
; having review buffer and menus enabled crashes on window resize?-)
; (idea from Thor's util/boot/ConsoleFix.lha)
; - increase ram disk stack size (idea from Thor's util/boot/PatchRAM.lha)
; - increase ramlib stack size from 2k to 8k
; - make ramlib msgport use sigbit SIGBREAKB_CTRL_E instead of SIGB_SINGLE
; (idea from Eddy Carroll's SnoopDos source code)
; - shell Resident command bug, see CyberGuard.notes / 1.11beta3
; Written by Harry "Piru" Sintonen.
; This source code is Public Domain.
include "blizkickmodule.i" ; Some required...
; Code is run with following incoming parameters:
; a0=ptr to ROM start (buffer) eg. $1DE087B8
; a1=ptr to ROM start (ROM) eg. $00F80000 (do *not* access!)
; d0=ROM lenght in bytes eg. $00080000
; a2=ptr to _FindResident routine (will search ROM buffer for resident tag):
; CALL: jsr (a2)
; IN: a0=ptr to ROM, d0=rom len, a1=ptr to resident name
; OUT: d0=ptr to resident (buf) or NULL
; a3=ptr to _InstallModule routine (can be used to plant a "module"):
; CALL: jsr (a3)
; IN: a0=ptr to ROM, d0=rom len, a1=ptr to module, d6=dosbase
; OUT: d0=success
; a4=ptr to _Printf routine (will dump some silly things (errormsg?) to stdout ;-)
; CALL: jsr (a4)
; IN: a0=FmtString, a1=Array (may be 0), d6=dosbase
; OUT: -
; d6=dosbase, a6=execbase
; Code should return:
; d0=true if succeeded, false if failed.
; d1-d7/a0-a6 can be trashed. a7 *must* be preserved! ;-)
moveq #0,d7
cmp.w #37,($C,a0) ; requires V37+ rom image
blo .exit
lea (regs,pc),a5
movem.l d0/a0-a4,(a5)
lea (.conname,pc),a1
movem.l (regs,pc),d0/a0
move.l (findresident,pc),a2
jsr (a2)
lea (.nocon,pc),a1
tst.l d0
beq .err
move.l d0,a2
move.l (RT_INIT,a2),a2
;test if inside rom bounds?
move.l (rom_log,pc),d0
cmp.l d0,a2
blo.b .nofix
add.l (rom_size,pc),d0
cmp.l d0,a2
bhs.b .nofix
; inside rom, so generate ram buffer address
sub.l (rom_log,pc),a2 ; -$f80000
add.l (rom_phys,pc),a2 ; +buffer
lea (.badcon,pc),a1
lea (8192,a2),a2
move.w #16384/2,d0
.find addq.l #2,a2
subq.w #1,d0
beq .err
cmp.l #$2C5F45EE,(a2)
bne.b .find
cmp.l #$0082614C,(4,a2)
bne.b .find
cmp.l #$24524A92,(8,a2)
bne.b .find
cmp.l #$66F841EE,(12,a2)
bne.b .find
cmp.l #$126E2F0E,(16,a2)
bne.b .find
; patch console.device bug!
move.l #$2C5745EE,(a2)+
move.l #$00826002,(a2)+
move.l #$614A2452,(a2)+
move.l #$4A9266F8,(a2)+
move.l #$41EE126E,(a2)+
lea (.dosname,pc),a1
movem.l (regs,pc),d0/a0
move.l (findresident,pc),a2
jsr (a2)
lea (.nodos,pc),a1
tst.l d0
beq .err
move.l d0,a2
lea (.badram,pc),a1
lea (8192,a2),a2
move.w #16384/2,d0
.find2 addq.l #2,a2
subq.w #1,d0
beq .err
cmp.l #$4878FFFF,(a2) ; pea (-1).w
bne.b .find2
cmp.l #$4878000A,(4,a2) ; pea (10).w
bne.b .find2
cmp.l #$487804B0,(8,a2) ; pea (1200).w
bne.b .find2
cmp.l #$7000222B,(12,a2) ; moveq #0,d0 / move.l (x,a3),d1
bne.b .find2
; patch ram disk stack size!
move.w #2048,(10,a2)
lea (.ramlibname,pc),a1
movem.l (regs,pc),d0/a0
move.l (findresident,pc),a2
jsr (a2)
lea (.noramlib,pc),a1
tst.l d0
beq .err
move.l d0,a3
move.l d0,a2
lea (.badramlib,pc),a1
move.w #2048/2,d0
.find3 addq.l #2,a2
subq.w #1,d0
beq.b .try_37
cmp.l #$2608E48B,(a2)
bne.b .find3
cmp.l #$7808E19C,(4,a2)
bne.b .find3
cmp.l #$4EAEFF76,(8,a2)
bne.b .find3
; patch ramlib stack size! (v39+)
move.w #$7820,(4,a2)
bra.b .was_39plus
.try_37 move.l a3,a2
move.w #2048/2,d0
.find3_37 addq.l #2,a2
subq.w #1,d0
beq .err
cmp.l #$283C0000,(a2)
bne.b .find3_37
cmp.l #$08004EAE,(4,a2)
bne.b .find3_37
cmp.l #$FF762C5F,(8,a2)
bne.b .find3_37
; patch ramlib stack size! (v37)
move.w #$2000,(4,a2)
lea (.badramlib_b,pc),a1
move.w #4096/2,d0
.find3b addq.l #2,a3
subq.w #1,d0
beq .err
cmp.l #$246E0114,(a3)
bne.b .find3b
cmp.w #$2B4A,(4,a3)
bne.b .find3b
cmp.l #$3B7C0004,(8,a3)
bne.b .find3b
cmp.l #$600841ED,(14,a3)
bne.b .find3b
; patch ramlib msgport sigbit
move.w #14,(10,a3) ; SIGBREAKB_CTRL_E
lea (.shellname,pc),a1
movem.l (regs,pc),d0/a0
move.l (findresident,pc),a2
jsr (a2)
lea (.noshell,pc),a1
tst.l d0
beq .err
move.l d0,a2
lea (.badresident,pc),a1
lea (8192,a2),a2
move.w #12288/2,d0
.find4 addq.l #2,a2
subq.w #1,d0
beq .err
cmp.l #$67164AAD,(a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$FFD06624,(4,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$202B0004,(8,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$4A806A08,(12,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$0C80FFFF,(16,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$FC196E14,(20,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$4AADFFD4,(24,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$660000B6,(28,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$0CAB0000,(32,a2)
bne.b .find4
cmp.l #$00010004,(36,a2)
bne.b .find4
; patch shell resident command
move.l #$671C4AAD,(a2)+
move.l #$FFD06624,(a2)+
move.l #$200B6720,(a2)+
move.l #$202B0004,(a2)+
move.l #$6A0C0C80,(a2)+
move.l #$FFFFFC19,(a2)+
move.l #$6E126002,(a2)+
move.l #$C0DE4AAD,(a2)+
move.l #$FFD46600,(a2)+
move.l #$00B05380,(a2)
moveq #1,d7
.err tst.l d7
bne.b .exit
lea (.errh,pc),a0
move.l a1,-(sp)
move.l sp,a1
move.l (printf,pc),a2
jsr (a2)
addq.l #4,sp
.exit move.l d7,d0
.errh dc.b 'romfixes: couldn''t %s!',10,0
.nocon dc.b 'find '
.conname dc.b 'console.device',0
.badcon dc.b 'patch console.device bug',0
.nodos dc.b 'find '
.dosname dc.b 'dos.library',0
.badram dc.b 'patch ram disk stack size',0
.noramlib dc.b 'find '
.ramlibname dc.b 'ramlib',0
.badramlib dc.b 'patch ramlib stack size',0
.badramlib_b dc.b 'patch ramlib msgport sigbit',0
.noshell dc.b 'find '
.shellname dc.b 'shell',0
.badresident dc.b 'patch Resident bug',0
CNOP 0,2
rom_size ds.l 1
rom_phys ds.l 1
rom_log ds.l 1
findresident ds.l 1
installmodule ds.l 1
printf ds.l 1
dc.b '$VER: romfixes_PATCH 1.1 (7.1.00)',0
; shell/Resident bug
; fixed, 2nd try
.no_REM move.l a2,d0 ;200A
beq.b .no_filepart ;671C
tst.l (-$0030,a5) ;4AADFFD0
bne.b .is_ADD ;6624
move.l a3,d0 ;200B
beq.b .is_ADD ;6720
move.l (4,a3),d0 ;202B0004
bpl.b .no_filepart ;6A0C
cmp.l #-999,d0 ;0C80FFFFFC19
bgt.b .is_ADD ;6E12
bra.b .no_filepart ;6002
dc.w $C0DE ;C0DE
.no_filepart tst.l (-$002C,a5) ;4AADFFD4 REPLACE/S
bne.w .da_err ;660000B0
subq.l #1,d0 ;5380
ble.w .da_err ;6F0000AA
.is_ADD move.l (-$0028,a5),d0 ;202DFFD8 PURE/S
; rom 39.106:
.no_REM move.l a2,d0 ;200A
beq.b .no_filepart ;6716
tst.l (-$0030,a5) ;4AADFFD0
bne.b .is_ADD ;6624
move.l (4,a3),d0 ;202B0004 ;BUG! should test if a3=0 before!
tst.l d0 ;4A80
bpl.b .no_filepart ;6A08
cmp.l #-999,d0 ;0C80FFFFFC19
bgt.b .is_ADD ;6E14
.no_filepart tst.l (-$002C,a5) ;4AADFFD4 ;REPLACE/S
bne.w .da_err ;660000B6
cmp.l #1,(4,a3) ;0CAB000000010004
ble.w .da_err ;6F0000AA
.is_ADD move.l (-$0028,a5),d0 ;202DFFD8 ;PURE/S
; console.device bug
; fixed
move.l d7,-(sp) ;2F07
lea ($126E,a6),a0 ;41EE126E
move.l a6,-(sp) ;2F0E
move.l ($0030,a6),a6 ;2C6E0030
jsr (_LVOObtainSemaphore,a6) ;4EAEFDCC
move.l (sp),a6 ;2C57
lea ($0082,a6),a2 ;45EE0082
bra.b .in ;6002
.loop bsr.b cd_processwindow ;614A
.in move.l (a2),a2 ;2452
tst.l (a2) ;4A92
bne.b .loop ;66F8
lea ($126E,a6),a0 ;41EE126E
move.l ($0030,a6),a6 ;2C6E0030
jsr (_LVOReleaseSemaphore,a6) ;4EAEFDC6
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;2C5F
move.l (sp)+,d7 ;2E1F
; rom 37.300:
move.l d7,-(sp) ;2F07 ;start here:
lea ($126E,a6),a0 ;41EE126E
move.l a6,-(sp) ;2F0E
move.l ($0030,a6),a6 ;2C6E0030
jsr (_LVOObtainSemaphore,a6) ;4EAEFDCC
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;2C5F
lea ($0082,a6),a2 ;45EE0082 ;BUG: the console.device bug
.loop bsr.b cd_processwindow ;614C
move.l (a2),a2 ;2452
tst.l (a2) ;4A92
bne.b .loop ;66F8
lea ($126E,a6),a0 ;41EE126E
move.l a6,-(sp) ;2F0E
move.l ($0030,a6),a6 ;2C6E0030
jsr (_LVOReleaseSemaphore,a6) ;4EAEFDC6
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;2C5F
move.l (sp)+,d7 ;2E1F
; rom 40.68:
move.l d7,-(sp) ;2F07
lea ($126E,a6),a0 ;41EE126E
move.l a6,-(sp) ;2F0E
move.l ($0030,a6),a6 ;2C6E0030
jsr (_LVOObtainSemaphore,a6) ;4EAEFDCC
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;2C5F
lea ($0082,a6),a2 ;45EE0082
.loop bsr.b cd_processwindow ;614C
move.l (a2),a2 ;2452
tst.l (a2) ;4A92
bne.b .loop ;66F8
lea ($126E,a6),a0 ;41EE126E
move.l a6,-(sp) ;2F0E
move.l ($0030,a6),a6 ;2C6E0030
jsr (_LVOReleaseSemaphore,a6) ;4EAEFDC6
move.l (sp)+,a6 ;2C5F
move.l (sp)+,d7 ;2E1F